“The Selfie Drawings,” is a collection of 52 digital drawings completed by artist Carla Gannis over 52 weeks – a year-long project in which Gannis performed “the self” through digital drawings from January to December 2015. *Currently the book is unavailable for purchase.
Gannis has produced a serialized augmented reality “book object” in collaboration with UNBOX’s #BehindTheFace project and Blippar AR technologies.
Using the Blippar app, readers can hover over a static drawing and “blip” it. A new dynamic experience then takes place in the screen of their phone. Over the course of 52 weeks beginning in March 2016, readers could check the Blipp Log each week to find out which new page is activated.
This collection of Gannis’s digital drawings includes a critical essay on the work written by Dorothy Santos. The publication accompanies Gannis’ solo exhibition at TRANSFER ‘A Subject Self-Defined‘ featuring a new body of work from Gannis that addresses issues of branded identity; age and body estimation; catastrophe culture; and online agency via static, dynamic and interactive “selfie” imagery.